Hello all 👋 I am currently in the process of learning Norsk, I was wondering if there were any other learners, experienced or otherwise who would maybe want to help improve eachother! Preferably English speaking so we can correct one another easier if needed!
Exciting news everyone!
My Odin 2 Portal base model has shipped! My ID was in the 900s
From Nicole: the grip will ship separately since it is delayed by 2 days (because the grips came without the back buttons lmao)
My comments keep getting instantly deleted second I post them on his newest post.
I’ve tried posting a couple times and I keep getting instantly deleted and now I’m blocked.
Last night as I was falling asleep i heard someone yell in my ear very loud I know it sounds crazy lol everyone around me is okay no body actually yelled but it scared me so bad I stayed up way later than I should have
![img](jasgwmrp34de1 "Only 1 50/50 loss within my last 10 pulls (Sparkle was guaranteed) and even then I immediately reclaimed Acheron after only 5 pulls")
This book provides a comprehensive understanding of anxiety, not from the normal illness view but from a scientifically rational and logical perspective. It discusses and describes rational methods to avoid living with anxiety.
I'm from the UK - we say "yeur-oh", and that's how I've heard it pronounced in UK, Ireland, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, and (to the point of the question), on a recent trip to Austria.
In the German course, the characters on DuoLingo all pronounce it "oy-roh", which of course matches other German pronunciation of words with "eu" in them.
However. I've just had a speaking exercise where it simply would not accept the German pronunciation, repeatedly. They only way I could complete the exercise was to pronounce it the English way. (It has worked in the past, though)
Since starting the German course, this is the one word I've never been 100% comfortable with, simply because the Duo way of pronouncing it, is not what I've experienced I've real world.
So, can a native German speaker tell me, please. How do you _really_ say it? Was this latest lesson simply a bug? I've had similar bugs, where it refuses to accept my pronunciation - particularity numbers - but it's been fine when I've gone to repeat the mistakes later.