got emotionally attached to someone 15 months ago, still suffering today

Hi everyone. I feel the urge to share this story because I haven't told it to anyone yet. I don't why I'm doing this, I just thought it could help me going better. sooooooooooooo as the title says, I am currently suffering about emotional problems. I randomly met someone in october 2023 and we quickly became friends. I've never had a lot of friends in my life and I am not someone who's attached to my family ; it means that I'm alone most of the time and have a lack of "human contact" or whatever you would call it. So as soon as this random person gave me a little bit of attention, I became emotionally attached to my new friend. IMO, being attached to someone is fine as long as this person is "close" to you... guess what happened. Yes, they started to show less interest in me and slowly cut off contact :(. You need to know that this attachment was really really strong to my side. I've never loved someone like that and their life used to be 10x more important than mine or that of my family. I was thinking about them every time : when I was waking up, during the whole day, when falling asleep and even in my dreams ! I was (and still am) obsessed by this person. Those feelings got highly intensified when they decided to mind their own business and stopped talking to me. I was getting crazy and a lot of aspects in my life got affected by their estrangement. I may have had a depression (I'm not sure, but there's 70% chance it was one) that affected my personal goals and I cut ties with members of my family because of that. I started wanting to end everything 3 months after the person left but I kept fighting for absolutely no reasons. After 6 months, I finally managed to get out of it a little bit but... guess what : They came back. I'm not joking, the person came back in my life as soon as I barely could live without their presence and it pisses me off. So the whole process started again : we had good times together until the end of 2024, 3 weeks of vacations separated us, they left. I am currently a the same point as one year ago : I live with this huge lack of attention, I feel alone and betrayed, my life is getting worse everyday. ExactIy like before. I don't wanna wait 6 months again, please come back lol. Anyways, this is my story. I wish I never knew this person. I know I'm a terrible storyteller, I hope it was still understandable. If you have a similar story, feel free to share it : I think it would help me to know that I'm not the only one who's suffering from that... Have a good day :)