Your body chemistry signalling is designed to tell you to try again

Anytime we eat carbs or plant matter with compounds that interfere with nutritional absorption, your body chemistry is simply going to signal to try again.

That's all it can do. It can't talked to you unless your schizophrenic and tell you to stop eating poisonous shit, dummy. It just signals to go out there and find new food.

And that try again process, that makes you crave something perhaps new, is the process that is trying to tell you to stop eating whatever it is your eating and look for something different.

Food manufacturing companies know this and they have twisted every piece of food towards these signaling pathways. Hyper palatable foods that didn't even exist a few decades ago are simply taking advantage of these biochemistry survival functions. A bag of chips is stimulating and delivers anything, but nutritional material by design. That triggers the signal to eat again, and again, and so on.

That's also why when you finally break the cycle of this runaway process, ditch the carbs, plants, etc and you get strict long enough, your body finally stops telling you to "keep trying again" and it relaxes the inflammation, heals the damage, and makes you totally satisfied with eating steak every day.

The physiology gets what it needs and it doesn't panics you to go find some new cookies, or salads, or drinks, or whatever. It just stays satisfied that you've found nutritionally dense food that it's able to digest easily and you move on to living a calm and energetic life.

It just works.