Talking to my ex again..

We hadnt talked since August. He reached out to me around the end of december. He wanted to talk to me about trying again and how much he missed me as a person and all that jazz. I know he has a good heart and I’d like to think he came from a good place. I gave it some time to think and I decided it’d be best to just keep texting and see if it’s going in the right direction. We go to different schools so long distance is a factor.

Also he just joined a frat

It’s been pretty normal, we text everyday and I enjoy our conversations for the most part bc they remain light. But as of a couple days ago I’ve been starting to have an uneasy feeling about it. I don’t know if it’s my brain trying to protect me, or if I should actually leave. Part of me just wants to ghost and never talk to him again. I know we’re young (18) and I just don’t know if this is something that is worth it. Or if I’m expecting too much at this age. I care about him. But I don’t want it if it’s mutual. Should I keep talking to him? Or just fade away?

For background: Our relationship was really good for the most part. We were together for over a year. We’re both freshmen in college which played a part in the breakup. It was mainly due to communication issues tho. He has a really hard time opening up. But he’s never done anything bad to necessarily hurt me. Never had to worry about another girl. Never had bad intentions. We still went to prom together after we were freshly broken up. So i know he’s a good kid