918 Bucket Seat foam replacements

918 Bucket Seat foam replacements

Has anyone switched out the seat inserts on their 918 Buckets? Specifically thinking about ClassicFX in the UK, they offer a softer cushion set and I'm curious what people's thoughts are after swapping. I don't mind the original foam, but haven't done any major long distance drives to know how they fair after 5-7 hours say.

If seeing this in Laravel makes you đŸ€ź, get Sentry.

If seeing this in Laravel makes you đŸ€ź, get Sentry.

1 of 2 wilga

The show is better with New Guy Luke

I don't know if I'm on my own on this but I feel NGL is a way better hang overall (especially on the Patreon eps). He's not garbage but it's a nice contrast from the boys and I like the dynamic they have where they can make fun of him for being a rich kid. McMuffin couldn't really take a joke about himself and was just overall feisty. NGL is also a lot better at googling stuff (although this might be a ChatGPT thing).

Youtube und die StVO

Ich habe mich heute gefragt wie der ein oder andere Youtuber teilweise das doppelte der maximal Geschwindigkeiten fĂ€hrt ohne irgendwelche Konsequenzen? Im gegenteil, man verdient sein Geld damit. Weiß jemand wie das funktioniert? Viele davon verstecken weder Tacho noch Nummernschild.

Aaj ka breakfast in Amsterdam 😄

C++ library for OpenGL objects with DSA in mind (documentation coming soon)

Cell đŸ„”

This season feels weird.

Somethings off. This January i saw a lot of posts complaining about how Shen felt weak. I wasn't playing the game at that time and I just thought it was a skill issue and so did the rest of this subreddit, so the posts got downvoted. I came back and was ready to start climbing. It went great at first, but now I have been playing a whole week. I really feel like something is off. I don't know what it is, but it feels like I lost all my skills the last month or everyone else just got fucking goated. I can't hit Shens q's for shit. I miss every ult opportunity. I get tilted as fuck, and so does my team. I get matched against a Diamond 1 aurora for some fucking reason. I should probably take a break. Too bad I'm fucking addicted. Do any of you relate? Do you also feel like somethings off this season or is it just in my head?

First half of Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Death Guard ready for basing. What do you think?

The Death of Liberal Catholicism

goneMUNE — SCHOOL PSYCHOSIS (I Hate Math Class)

Despite being Heavily moderated, r/transformation has been banned

Karunesh Talwar

Selling 3 Karunesh Talwar tickets below MRP for 5th Feb Sophia Auditorium. HMU.

Anybody know an easy way I can get zenith on mobile? Any feedback would be awesome

RxDB: The JavaScript Database for Instant Local and Backend Sync

RxDB: The JavaScript Database for Instant Local and Backend Sync

Can a whole brokerage use my pictures?

I have been booked recently by a broker for a few properties. After I deliver the pictures, I see that all the realtors that work for the brokerage post the same pictures as their newest listing. I have also shot for another realtor and deliver the pictures as usual. Then, a few days later other realtors post a graphic with the pictures that another agent hired me to take. Should I be compensated for this or no LOL

The National Assembly side stated, "What Yoon wanted was a dictatorship where legislation is carried out according to his wishes... Martial law conditions are not met."

Data Assistant, Data Administrator Ă©s tĂĄrsai

Sziasztok! KKV-s munkahelyemrƑl 2-3 Ă©ven belĂŒl szeretnĂ©k vĂĄltani, Ă©s a multicĂ©gek irĂĄnyĂĄba sodrĂłdni. Az egyetem elvĂ©gzĂ©se Ăłta (BTK) ugyanannĂĄl a cĂ©gnĂ©l dolgozom, mert nagyon szeretem, amit csinĂĄlok (könyvkiadĂĄs, szövegszerkesztĂ©s), viszont a cĂ©gben mĂĄr nincs annyi, hogy Ă©n boldogan Ă©ldegĂ©ljek itt nyugdĂ­jas Ă©veimig. Olyan embereket szeretnĂ©k a tapasztalataikrƑl kĂ©rdezni, akik adatelemzĂ©s terĂŒleten, Ă©s a fent emlĂ­tett pozĂ­ciĂłkban dolgoznak. KötelezƑ-e ehhez valamilyen gazdasĂĄgi vĂ©gzettsĂ©g, vagy cĂ©gektƑl fĂŒgg, mi az elvĂĄrĂĄs, mennyire tanĂ­tanak be? Minden cĂ©gnĂ©l mĂĄs a rendszer, vagy van egy alap, amit esetleg autodidakta mĂłdon mĂĄr itthon elkezdhetnĂ©k kitanulni? A tudĂĄsom nagyjĂĄbĂłl kifullad az MS Office programoknĂĄl, mert mĂĄs hasznĂĄlatĂĄra jelenleg nincs szĂŒksĂ©gem, de könnyen tanulok, jĂłl bĂ­rom a montĂłniĂĄt, a zĂĄrt rendszerekben valĂł gondolkodĂĄst Ă©s szabĂĄlyszerƱsĂ©get, valamint a magĂĄnyos munkavĂ©gzĂ©st is. SajĂĄt kĂ©pessĂ©geimet felmĂ©rve, nem okozna gondot egy ismeretlen rendszer megtanulĂĄsa. KözĂ©pszintƱ angol nyelvtudĂĄssal is rendelkezem. KĂ©rlek, Ă­rjĂĄtok meg azt is, ha teljesen rosszul kĂ©pzelem el ezeket a pozĂ­ciĂłkat. :) VidĂ©ki nagyvĂĄrosban Ă©lek, Ă­gy egy budapesti cĂ©gnĂ©l hibrid munkavĂ©gzĂ©s is ideĂĄlis lenne szĂĄmomra. AzoktĂłl is vĂĄrok szĂ­vesen beszĂĄmolĂłkat, akik Ă­gy dolgoznak. ElƑre is köszönöm!

Any rooms? open to all no limits

My berried shrimpyy

I need help finding the name of a specific OST!

It's the one that plays when Saul gets frozen by Aokiji and little Robin starts running away. I've heard it many times but can't find the name đŸ„Č

HORRIBLE Customer service

Hello everyone, in june 24, i bought a snoopy tennis limited edition green watch. one month later the crown fell off, and i sent it to the customer service. The european customer service, orotecnica, Naples, Italy, told me there was no solution and i would get a refund. (To me it seems as they want to keep my limited edition watch) 3 months later, i have no watch, no refund and no responses. The timex eu mail just tells me to wait to the relevant team to contact me. Orotecnica doesn't answer anymore. I don't know what else to do, i feel like a company just stole my watch and my money and i'm powerless about it

C++ library for OpenGL objects with DSA in mind (documentation coming soon)

Can YOU read what this says?

My boyfriend tagged my lil Twin Peaks banner after a heated argument a few months past and for the life of me I can NOT figure out what the text in the bottom right hand corner says. I’ve asked my boyfriend what it says a handful of times, and he’s somehow always gets away without answering the question, to which ’m starting to think he doesn’t even know what he wrote 😅.

So, for funsies I figured I’d see if you fine folks of reddit might be able to decipher the message. I believe the first 3 words (and i could be wrong here) say “you ever love (or loved)”. But that last word - I’m at a loss. To me it sort of looks like a c backward n? u-t-y cnuty? lol yea that cant be right.. nor is that even close to anything that might make any sort of sense when added to the end of what I think the first 3 words are.

Any ideas? Or should I chalk it up ill illegible chicken scratch and give it a rest? đŸ€“

"> My boyfriend tagged my lil Twin Peaks banner after a heated argument a few months past and for the life of me I can NOT figure out what the text in the bottom right hand corner says. I’ve asked my boyfriend what it says a handful of times, and he’s somehow always gets away without answering the question, to which ’m starting to think he doesn’t even know what he wrote 😅. So, for funsies I figured I’d see if you fine folks of reddit might be able to decipher the message. I believe the first 3 words (and i could be wrong here) say “you ever love (or loved)”. But that last word - I’m at a loss. To me it sort of looks like a c backward n? u-t-y cnuty? lol yea that cant be right.. nor is that even close to anything that might make any sort of sense when added to the end of what I think the first 3 words are. Any ideas? Or should I chalk it up ill illegible chicken scratch and give it a rest? đŸ€“


I believe I have the potential to crack SSC CGL in the future. If selected, I am torn between choosing SI in CBI or ASO in CSS. I prefer ASO in CSS because it offers stability and avoids frequent all-India transfers. However, I worry that by choosing this peaceful path, I might not be able to protect my family from corrupt policemen and those who harm women. On the other hand, joining CBI could give me the authority to safeguard my loved ones. I’m struggling to decide between security for my family and a stable, peaceful life for myself. Please guide me.

Read firsthand observations from our front-line cyber responders and analysts. Get the report.

Read firsthand observations from our front-line cyber responders and analysts. Get the report.

Unpopular opinion: Those 2000s comedy movies are not that good as people say

Maybe Hera pheri or even Phir Hera Pheri was decent to a certain point, but other than that most of them very below average, mainly in terms of comedy. A big example, Welcome, I have seen it once, and I mean it's mostly poor. Other example, Khatta Meetha, man that movie was an abomination. Maybe my humour is not compatible, but duh there was no funny element in the movie. I think as of now, the reason these movies are considered so good is probably due to 1) Nostalgic Value, cuz majority of us were kids when these movies released and we enjoyed them back then. 2) The current comedy standards of bollywood are so much worse that these movies feel way better. Also, I know that humour is subjective, so at the end, some people even enjoyed the comedy of BB3, so I probably am not someone to say a lot about this. But ya, this was my opinion