My goalkeepers have no hands and I feel am at an disadvantage

Wolf Man - Only In Theaters Friday

Wolf Man - Only In Theaters Friday

📢 Nike is hiring a Senior Data Engineer!

Company: Nike Location: Shanghai, China 📍 Date Posted: January 15, 2025 📅 Level: Senior 👵 Apply & Description 👉

People don’t enjoy making music, says AI music CEO being sued for stealing music

Is this card worth in a 2st formation

Anyone who have used him earlier or is currently using him please help on this. Does his agility feels stiff and not that pacey. I recently used his Toty card but he was having bad agility was very stiff to control and bad passing

"> Anyone who have used him earlier or is currently using him please help on this. Does his agility feels stiff and not that pacey. I recently used his Toty card but he was having bad agility was very stiff to control and bad passing

【FGO】Kurohime (Saber) Servant Demonstration -「黒姫」【Fate/Grand Order】 (by xNaya)

ipod touch 5th gen

my ipod touch got stuck here after i tried jailbreaking it

📢 Toast is hiring a Senior Web Strategist, International!

Company: Toast Location: Anywhere 📍 Date Posted: January 15, 2025 📅 Level: Senior 👵 Apply & Description 👉

New to gravel, need advice on buying a bike

Hi everyone. I would like to give a try on gravel since I think it’s safer than normal road cycling. I am a bit afraid of accidents with other vehicles… So I would like to give a try on gravel since I don’t have to stay 100% of the route on the road. I have knowledge on MTB bikes, but know 0 about gravel bikes. What should be the minimum budget (€) for a good average bike with good shifts, hydraulic brakes and aluminum frame?? Any recommendations would be apreciated as well. Also, it would be easier to find brands from EU as well. Thanks!!

Bought this baby online

At first I thought, this won't work, leaves had brown spots and she didn't look happy. But this morning I saw this... I'm so happy about the birth of a new leaf. Hopefully she will keep on growing.

📢 Nike is hiring a Software Engineer III - Android!

Company: Nike Location: Shanghai, China 📍 Date Posted: January 15, 2025 📅 Apply & Description 👉

Hilfe bei Durchfall, Untergewicht und Futterproblemen – English Bulldog / Continental Bulldog Mix

Hallo zusammen, ich hoffe, hier kann mir jemand mit Tipps oder eigenen Erfahrungen weiterhelfen. Natürlich bin ich regelmäßig beim Tierarzt und werde das auch weiterhin sein, aber ich bin langsam wirklich verzweifelt. Vielleicht hat ja jemand ähnliche Probleme gehabt, besonders mit dieser Rassenkombination, und kann mir Ratschläge geben. Wir haben einen ca. 8 Monate alten English Bulldog / Continental Bulldog Mix, der momentan 20 kg wiegt. Uns fällt aber auf, dass er extrem dünn ist – seine Rippen sind sichtbar – und er nimmt einfach nicht zu, obwohl wir wirklich alles versuchen. Zudem hat er seit Monaten immer wieder Probleme mit Durchfall und extremen Blähungen. Hier mal eine kurze Übersicht: 1. Futtergeschichte: • Er hat bis ca. 4 Monate das Nassfutter „Reico Vital“ (Pute) bekommen, das wir von der Züchterin übernommen haben. Anfangs war alles okay, dann fing er an, ständig Durchfall zu bekommen. • Im November 2024 kam die erste Diagnose: Giardien. Die Behandlung hat gut angeschlagen, der Hund war danach negativ und wir haben alles gründlich desinfiziert. • Nach der Giardien-Behandlung haben wir ihn langsam auf Trockenfutter umgestellt („Bulls and Bully“). Anfangs schien das gut zu funktionieren, doch Ende Dezember 2024 kamen erneut Durchfall und extreme, streng riechende Blähungen. 2. Aktuelle Situation: • Anfang Januar 2025 kam die nächste Diagnose: Kokzidien. Die Behandlung läuft, aber die Tierärztin meinte, das sei vermutlich nicht der Hauptgrund für die Verdauungsprobleme. • Seit zwei Wochen hat er bis zu 5-8 Mal am Tag Stuhlgang, oft auch mehrmals während eines 15-minütigen Spaziergangs. Der Kot ist weiterhin breiig bis flüssig. • Momentan versuchen wir, ihn auf Trockenfutter von „Vet Concept“ (Büffel & Süßkartoffel) umzustellen (auf Empfehlung der Tierärztin), aber es gibt bisher keine sichtbare Verbesserung. 3. Sonstige Beobachtungen: • Er ist sehr verschmust, schläft viel und wirkt insgesamt sehr faul. Lange Spaziergänge mag er nicht. Ich frage mich, ob das einfach sein Wesen ist oder ob er durch die Futterunverträglichkeiten keine Energie aus dem Futter ziehen kann. • Seine Geschwister wiegen teilweise 10 kg mehr als er, was uns große Sorgen macht. Meine Fragen: • Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit diesen Symptomen, speziell bei Bulldogs oder Bulldog-Mixen? • Kennt ihr Möglichkeiten wie z. B. Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeitstests für Hunde, damit man nicht alles durchprobieren muss? • Würdet ihr eine Ernährungsberatung empfehlen, auch wenn das sehr teuer ist? • Was kann ich tun, damit er endlich zunimmt? • Habt ihr Empfehlungen für geeignetes Futter bei solchen Problemen? Ich bin wirklich am Ende mit meinem Latein und will unbedingt, dass es meinem Hund besser geht. Ich würde mich sehr über eure Tipps oder Erfahrungsberichte freuen! Vielen Dank schon mal im Voraus! :)

Male 26, stuck in life, and have not made my career yet, doing a low paying job, lost my dad due to covid, what does my chart say about my future?



📢 CYNGN is hiring a Senior Software Engineer, Autonomy - Calibration, Mapping & Localization!

Company: CYNGN Location: Menlo Park, CA 📍 Date Posted: January 15, 2025 📅 Level: Senior 👵 Apply & Description 👉

If seeing this in Laravel makes you 🤮, get Sentry.

If seeing this in Laravel makes you 🤮, get Sentry.

Cant play ranked

Love that jump on to play ranked an says need to be level 55 even though im gold 1 an prestige master lvl 90 😮‍💨

"> Love that jump on to play ranked an says need to be level 55 even though im gold 1 an prestige master lvl 90 😮‍💨

A fan made animation of an over weaponised Skibidi toilet

Mfs in yt comment sections will look at this, and then look at you dead in the eyes and comment “yeah no dude unupgraded Titan Cameraman solos this”

Why do manifestations or positive affirmations don't work for me?

at this point I'm frustrated life fck .. whenever i wish for something good to happen why do face backlashes even though I try to be positive and never give up on my goals...please tell how does affirmations even work ? or do they even work. Should i stop being result oriented and give up expectations.. I think at least it won't give me pain afterwards

The only thing I like about my face are my eyes and I feel like they’re a waste on my face

Like another more conventionally attractive face could’ve gotten them. I still think I’d make changes to them because there’s not a single thing I wouldn’t change about myself but if a conventionally pretty girl had my eyes it would make more sense. I don’t want to hear any “but you are pretty!!!” bs based on my pfp since 1 you cant see sh1t in it 2 my dysmorphia won’t magically leave 3 Ive been told countless times I’m not conventionally attractive, that my face is “uncommon” and so on.

What's a GDPR compliant alternative to Klaviyo?

A manager in my company was complaining about this, that klaviyo just raised prices again this year. I said I could look a bit into the issue, played around in the email marketing 5-6 years ago (we're working with a klaviyo agency, but they are only promoting Klaviyo). Klaviyo is not GDPR compliant, and I'm looking for alternatives as my colleague found this out just today.

📢 Kong Inc . is hiring a Sr Software Engineer, API Gateway (Europe)!

Company: Kong Inc. Location: Europe 📍 Date Posted: January 15, 2025 📅 Apply & Description 👉

What is this communard bullshittery

Does lums offer psych?

Hello!! Does lums offer psych cuz one of my sir said it doesn’t and many of my friends but I searched and found a bsc(honours) psychology major and wanted to confirm. Thank you!!

Did the PCNA Servers Just Go Offline Again?!

As title This is now twice in as many days. WTF is going on over there at ZOS?!

AI Aragon woke up and chose violence (and got lucky)

How exactly do you farm loot in this game?

I just started a few days ago, and I'm hitting a point in the campaign where I need better gear, but I'm not getting good drops, nothing in the vendors is good, and I don't have many upgrade materials. But I've never really gotten into a game like this before, so I don't really know how to farm gear. Can you guys explain what I should be doing to get better gear? I'm at the Dreadnought in Act 2.

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